On Campus Activity Update
28 September, 2020
On Campus Activity Update – 25 September 2020
Published: Saturday, 26 September 2020
The Government has requested (Friday 25 Sept 2020) all Higher Education Institutions to move to a level of enhanced public health protection measures similar to those applying in Dublin last week.
This is not unexpected and we would like to assure all students, staff and the wider community that CIT has already implemented a series of protective measures that align well with the level now requested.
CIT has implemented a mandatory mask policy in all its campus buildings. All buildings have been risk assessed and people management systems implemented including enhanced hygiene facilities, hand sanitiser stations and one way systems. Extensive signage is in place including maximum capacities in all facilities. Our Medical Centre and Emergency Response Team are trained and equipped to deal with individuals presenting with symptoms on campus. All practical laboratories and workshops have been risk assessed and reformatted to operated in a safe manner with significantly reduced capacities. As a general rule we are trying to maintain physical distancing of 2 metres in all communal areas.
A Covid-19 Operations Group meets frequently to oversee and monitor the ongoing development and implementation of CIT’s response.
- Registration for First Year and Advanced Entry Students will continue from Monday 28 Sept to Friday 2 Oct. Students will be scheduled in groups of 40 to arrive at specified times,. There is an active stewarding process in place facilitated by student leaders who ask all students to sanitise as well as ensure masks are worn. Students should expect the process to take 20 – 50 minutes.
- Apprentices will commence studies as planned on Monday 28 Sept.
- Canteen and Library facilities will be open and operated in the same manner as the week to date. We are planning to roll out a click and collect Library service from 5th October which will allow people to pre-order items online and collect safely from an external hatch.
- All practicals will continue as planned on all campuses – Bishopstown, Cork School of Music, Crawford College of Art & Design and the National Maritime College of Ireland.
- CIT Cork School of Music – Junior Music provision is not impacted by these measures and will continue as planned.
- Research activity will continue as planned.
- Small group teaching may also take place for priority student cohorts.
- Academic Departments will review their planned activity to ensure on campus activity is minimised and remote delivery will be enabled where possible and practicable.
- All social and club activities, on Campus, are suspended until further notice.
Please do not travel unless it is necessary for planned on campus activity;
Please also limit your contacts;
- Download and use the Ireland Covid-19 Tracker App – https://covidtracker.gov.ie/;
- Maintain your own log of close contacts, Close contacts are defined as anyone you have spent:
> 15 minutes within 2 metres, or
> 2 hours in the same enclosed space in a 24 hour period.
CIT will continue to monitor public health advisory as it issues. We are collaborating with other sectoral stakeholders and with the Department of Further, Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science to finalise a Covid-19 Response Plan to deal with any incidence of Covid-19 that may occur within our community.