All this months news
14 March, 2014
Fed up of the Price of Hot Water?
The ‘Think Tank’ that is Union council have recently made the greatest advancement in science since Einstein’s e = mc2. Wait for it…Water fountain + Microwave = Hot Water…If you feel that the Student Service Company is taking advantage of its monopoly on campus and exploiting you for the price of hot water then take your water to the microwave in the back of the food court (main canteen). There is also hot water available in the Tourism & Hospitality Building. Under no circumstances are you to microwave any materials that are not microwave friendly, no plastic cups etc. Enjoy!
Printing Facilities
The IT steering committee has given a commitment that there will be printing facilities in the main building by week eleven. The group had explained that there were other projects that needed to be concluded prior to designating space for printers. Assurance has been given that facilities will be made available as a matter of urgency.
Summer Exams Study Space
The CIT Library currently cannot cope with the immense demand for study spaces at exam time so like Semester One the SU will be working to ensure that the West Atrium will again be open on Sundays and weekdays to alleviate the pressure on the facility. Change is inevitable but progress is optional, building on the success to date we will be working to secure that the West Atrium will be open from 9.00am – 1.00pm Monday to Thursday which was requested at Union Council. You speak, we listen.
Christmas Exams 2014/15
A provisional timetable has been approved for the next academic year and exams are set to take place from Saturday December 13th – Monday December 22nd 2014. The college will then close for the Christmas period and is set to reopen for examinations for the period Monday January 5th – Wednesday January 7th 2015. Please bear this in mind when planning your festive season.
Being Health Conscious
Obesity is a growing issue in Ireland. The 2011 National Adult Nutrition Survey shows that 24% of Irish adults are obese and 37% overweight, compared to 18% obese and 39% overweight in 2001 (Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance, 2001). This shows that there has been a population weight shifzt in the upper direction and we need to do something about it. In 2001 42% of our population were of normal weight, this has dropped to 39% in 2011. It is important that we look after our health, watch what we are eating and exercise regularly to prevent disease such as obesity, cardio-vascular disease, diabetes etc. A sub-group of the CIT Health & Safety Committee has been set up to look at the health consciousness of students and helping you to make the right decisions by focusing on a healthy lifestyle.
We have met with the management of CIT Student Services Company to try and provide a health conscious environment so that students can make the decision on what they eat themselves. In co-operation with the Student Services Company we are hoping that meals and food products on sale in the Canteen will also display the nutritional content and calorie content of each meal. This will inform students of the food choices they are making and of what nutrients they are consuming. This is the first step in creating a Health Conscious environment in CIT for Students.
What have you given up for Lent?
No matter what religion you identify as, Lent is a great excuse to give up something that you know isn’t good for you. Sometimes it is like that second chance New Year’s resolution. If you didn’t give it up back in January, you can always try now. So why not give up something like smoking, fizzy drinks, chocolate, alcohol or else why not take on something like a new sport, go to the gym on a regular basis, or start a new healthy diet. Remember you can always treat yourself at the end with a nice Easter egg. You could also set up a challenge between yourself and a few friends. See who can stay of something the longest.
Summer is coming…
It’s time to put thought into what to do with your three months off. One option is go on an adventure, a cultural experience of a lifetime by obtaining a J1 visa and head stateside and soak up all that the American dream has to offer. Does your course not have a placement programme? Time to take the initiative and contact relevant industries and see what’s out there. As you read this there are companies looking for an up and comer willing to gain some invaluable experience. Life is about opportunity, you will all graduate with a third level degree but which of you will stand out? What will you say when an interviewer asks you “How are you different?” “What did you do with your time as a student that separates you from the rest?” There are a whole host of avenues for you to explore so get out there and start to play in the big leagues, who knows what it might lead to…
Union Council Class Rep Awards
We urge you to take a few minutes to nominate your Class Representative if you consider them worthy.
The Union Council Awards recognises the contribution of Class Reps to the Students’ Union and to the Institute as a whole. At this ceremony all active Class Reps are presented with a Certificate, recognising their voluntary contribution to campus life, which is endorsed by the Institute’s Registrar & Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Students’ Union President. Class Reps are also nominated for special Union Council Awards in recognition of their “outstanding voluntary contribution” on an annual basis. You can nominate your Class Representative for an award. A nomination form is attached and we urge you to take a few minutes to nominate your Class Representative if you deem them worthy. Forms must be returned to the Students’ Union Office or emailed to by 5.00 pm 26th March 2014.
Nominate your Class Rep Form download here!