News & Insights


28 November, 2013

We are nearly at the end of the first semester and we hope you have all enjoyed the year in college so far.  We have been extremely busy up until this point and we don’t intend slowing down any time soon. Here’s a taste of what’s been going on.

Student Service Company Pricing

The Student Service Company is responsible for all catering and retail facilities on campus. As it is the only such company on campus it effectively has a monopoly.  This pretty much eliminates the natural competitive forces of the market place, which can somewhat decrease the price sensitivity of the customer base, that’s you, the student.  There has been such price increases in recent times, and on foot of concerns raised by students, CIT SU has met with the management of the company to discuss the fairness and appropriateness of the increases.  There has been some attempts to compromise but we feel that management is not handling the situation in a satisfactory manner.  If you wish to communicate any discontent regarding these increases please email or submit a response via the student feedback survey (see below).

A short student feedback survey

As you would have seen in your “Mycit” email, a student survey has been sent to you. If you haven’t done so already be sure to fill it out! This is vital feedback that is needed to understand where CIT is succeeding and where adjustments could be made.  It will only take 2-3 minutes and the survey will be capture feedback from many areas such as Library facilities, Appeals Process, Careers, Counselling and Medical Centre etc.  We also invite feedback on ourselves in the Students’ Union as we feel it imperative to provide as good a service as possible to our students.

Exam De-Stress Week

Exam De-Stress Week will run from the 10th to the 12th of December.  We run this campaign to help you find ways to relax during study time and how to cope with stress during exam time. Make sure you come and visit our De-Stress Zone in the Main Corridor during the week.  O’Connaill’s Hot Chocolate will also be on Campus on Wednesday the 11th of December.  It is important that you remember to look after yourself during exam time. It is very easy to become stressed and tired, so please take time to look after your physical and mental health during this time. Drinking plenty of water and eating well is important for concentration and energy levels as well as keeping active and getting lots of sleep.

Bonus Christmas Study Space … Sundays too!

It has been confirmed that the West Atrium will be open on Sundays. The space will also be available on Monday to Thursday evenings at exam time as a study space. Now you have the venue, the resources and the knowledge, it’s time to get the head down and succeed.

Positive Mind and Body Week

A few weeks ago we held CIT SU Positive Mind and Body Week. The aim of the campaign was to create awareness and educate students on mental and physical health, the links between the two, and the importance of looking after both. We hope you found the week useful and found any of the events you attended beneficial.

Rag Week 10th of Feb – Week 3

Rag week is fast approaching and planning is well underway.  There is talk of a Rag Rumble which will entail many UCC V’s CIT bouts, Lecturer V’s Student bouts and Lecturer V’s Lecturer bouts.  Watch your emails for an opportunity to nominate yourself to take part. Outside of that there will be many different events taking place over the week and we of course invite anyone who feels they have a worthwhile idea to come forward with your proposal.

We wish you all the best of luck in your exams and we hope you have a happy & peaceful Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, in the New Year.

Danny, Rich, Ciara, Aaron, Dean and Michael


November 28th, 2013
Granite Wordpress
7 minute read