News & Insights

What’s going on?

25 March, 2019

Catch up with all the CIT news in the Students’ Union publication, expliCIT, which is available to pick up on campus now. You can also read it by pdf right here!



You may have noticed a new addition to our campus on the wall of the Library building! This piece shows that we will no longer stand back and turn a blind eye to Sexual Violence and Harassment. This generation needs to pave the way for people coming after us.

Safety Week, RAG Week, Referendum and Elections, Raise the Roof Campaign and Friday’s or the Future March (Environmental Campaign), IT Stops Now Campaign, Prepare for Exit Careers Event among many other projects – not to mention the ‘day jobs’ – have kept us extremely busy for the past number of weeks.

Students’ Union engagement with the management of CIT regarding the proposed merger with Tralee and the joint application for Technological University status is ongoing. Students will soon be invited to a ‘town hall’ style meeting with the management and Students’ Union which will include presentations and updates on the MTU. There will also be a Q&A aspect to these meetings to ensure all your concerns are addressed. We have been working hard, with you the students, on compiling a document outlining student concerns regarding the MTU project and facilities in general in CIT. This is currently under review with CIT management and the MTU project group and we will ensure to update you at Union Council and General Meetings.

We are looking forward to the next number of weeks organising the Union Council Awards, Equality Week, Fund the Future Walk Out (relating to  third level education fees and grants) and much more.  We’ll also be attending the Union of Students in Ireland’s National Congress in April at which the USI officer board for next year will be elected. CIT students will also have the opportunity to put forward motions for policy for USI for 2019/2020.

This year we have decided to run Class Rep Elections for 2019/2020 in April so that we have a better opportunity to offer training and support to Class Reps next year.  Of course first year Class Reps will still be elected in September. Watch out for information coming up on that via email and Social Media.

All students are welcome and encouraged to get involved with Students’ Unions campaigns and activities.  If you wish to do so email send an email to or drop into the office.

We remain at your service…

Aaron, Steph and Jeff

What’s going on?

January 26th, 2019
Granite Wordpress
5 minute read